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Dr. Jessica Naber
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Poster Presentation
For many years the nursing handoff procedure was an informal passing of information between two nurses. While informal this handoff was still very vital to the care of a patient in any given circumstance. It can provide key details and information that could be missed or unknown from a previous shift. The nursing handoff has gone through many changes and improvements throughout the years. This paper looks at the error in nursing handoff and implementing a standard form to reduce error and improve patient safety and satisfaction. Upon inspection it was noticed that this topic has been overlooked in the past view years. While there is little research on the topic of implementing a universal handoff form there are some that can be synthesized and used to show the needed improvement. For this research project, Lourdes Mercy Health Paducah located in Paducah, KY was observed to assess their current policy on nursing handoffs. Upon review of the literature it was found that this institution does not have a formal policy regarding nursing handoff. This means that there can be improvements in the style and efficiency of nursing practice. Based on the evidence found a major improvement to the system could be implementing a standardized form of handoff.
Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event
Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)
Implementing a Standard Handoff amongst Nurses
For many years the nursing handoff procedure was an informal passing of information between two nurses. While informal this handoff was still very vital to the care of a patient in any given circumstance. It can provide key details and information that could be missed or unknown from a previous shift. The nursing handoff has gone through many changes and improvements throughout the years. This paper looks at the error in nursing handoff and implementing a standard form to reduce error and improve patient safety and satisfaction. Upon inspection it was noticed that this topic has been overlooked in the past view years. While there is little research on the topic of implementing a universal handoff form there are some that can be synthesized and used to show the needed improvement. For this research project, Lourdes Mercy Health Paducah located in Paducah, KY was observed to assess their current policy on nursing handoffs. Upon review of the literature it was found that this institution does not have a formal policy regarding nursing handoff. This means that there can be improvements in the style and efficiency of nursing practice. Based on the evidence found a major improvement to the system could be implementing a standardized form of handoff.