Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Implementing the Use of Nasal Midazolam During Acute Seizures

Presenter Information

Elizabeth ArmstrongFollow

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Poster Presentation


The first line emergency drug used for seizures is rectal diazepam. The use of nasal midazolam should be the priority drug used. This research develops reasoning as to why schools, hospitals, and clinics should switch to NM. The key findings included ease of administration, quicker action time, with cheaper cost. Patients will greatly benefit from this medication change because a shortened seizure provides for a greater quality of life.

Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)



Implementing the Use of Nasal Midazolam During Acute Seizures

The first line emergency drug used for seizures is rectal diazepam. The use of nasal midazolam should be the priority drug used. This research develops reasoning as to why schools, hospitals, and clinics should switch to NM. The key findings included ease of administration, quicker action time, with cheaper cost. Patients will greatly benefit from this medication change because a shortened seizure provides for a greater quality of life.