Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Stroke Education

Presenter Information

Jaq StephensonFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




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Dr. Jessica Naber

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


The purpose of this research was to discover and develop a policy to implement into a hospital that gives attainable resources to lower income communities about health promotion and stroke education. Based on the data retrieved from specific communities, it has become evident that there is a limited amount of resources available and community outreach programs, with an emphasis on strokes, are less common in lower income communities. With simple and efficient stroke education within these areas, the amount of knowledge about stroke prevention and stroke care can and has increased significantly.

Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)



Stroke Education

The purpose of this research was to discover and develop a policy to implement into a hospital that gives attainable resources to lower income communities about health promotion and stroke education. Based on the data retrieved from specific communities, it has become evident that there is a limited amount of resources available and community outreach programs, with an emphasis on strokes, are less common in lower income communities. With simple and efficient stroke education within these areas, the amount of knowledge about stroke prevention and stroke care can and has increased significantly.