Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Chicago Defender Referred To Be "Dangerous" A Study of Chicago Defender's Editorials and Letter to the Editor In 1968

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Abdullah BalobaidFollow

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Dr. Melony Shemberger

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Poster Presentation


The Chicago Defender is the largest and most influential African American newspaper in the united stated. This newspaper rose to be one of the most influential African American newspapers during the earth and mid-20th century due to the role it played in addressing the issue of migration of African Americans from the south side to the north, as well as being at the forefront in fighting against racism, inequality and having a countrywide editorials standpoint. Founded in 1905 this newspaper rose to fame by using sensationalism to boost circulation. Due to its firm stand against white supremacy, the quest for equality, and black empowerment and its wide influence in politics those that were offended began to refer to it as "dangerous". In the 1920s the newspaper was at the forefront fighting for equality in bobs, housing, and transportation for blacks in the south. It published rabble-rousing statements in its editorials like "When white friends come to the door to kill you, shoot them down. When the white mob comes, take at least one with". The question remains whether the paper continued with its hostile stance even after forty years, like for example in 1968 when the civil rights movement was first spreading across America? To comprehend the history of events, one must study the lion during winter as well as during spring. This paper, therefore, examines what editorial perspective the newspaper took in 1968 and how readers replied to them via letters to the editor.

Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event

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Chicago Defender Referred To Be "Dangerous" A Study of Chicago Defender's Editorials and Letter to the Editor In 1968

The Chicago Defender is the largest and most influential African American newspaper in the united stated. This newspaper rose to be one of the most influential African American newspapers during the earth and mid-20th century due to the role it played in addressing the issue of migration of African Americans from the south side to the north, as well as being at the forefront in fighting against racism, inequality and having a countrywide editorials standpoint. Founded in 1905 this newspaper rose to fame by using sensationalism to boost circulation. Due to its firm stand against white supremacy, the quest for equality, and black empowerment and its wide influence in politics those that were offended began to refer to it as "dangerous". In the 1920s the newspaper was at the forefront fighting for equality in bobs, housing, and transportation for blacks in the south. It published rabble-rousing statements in its editorials like "When white friends come to the door to kill you, shoot them down. When the white mob comes, take at least one with". The question remains whether the paper continued with its hostile stance even after forty years, like for example in 1968 when the civil rights movement was first spreading across America? To comprehend the history of events, one must study the lion during winter as well as during spring. This paper, therefore, examines what editorial perspective the newspaper took in 1968 and how readers replied to them via letters to the editor.