Senior Nursing Poster Session (Virtual)
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Major
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
End of shift reporting in our chosen hospital has shown a level of unorganization and ineffectiveness. Currently, the practice is that the nursing staff are seated in or around the desk allowing for interruptions from phones, families, and other staff members. Interruptions like these allow for misinterpretation and communication errors which could lead to a decrease in a patient’s outcome and safety. Through utilization of three different theoretical frameworks along with evaluation of several meta-analysis and research based articles, we evaluated the effectiveness of bedside handoff reporting. The evidence is in favor of bedside handoff reporting. Therefore, the hospital should move towards the implementation of the bedside handoff report to increase patient safety, improve patient satisfaction, and increase nursing communication leading to less errors.
Start Date
November 2021
End Date
November 2021
Spring Scholars Week 2021 Event
General Poster Session (Non-juried)
Fall Scholars Week 2021 Event
General Poster Session (Virtual, Non-juried)
A New Approach to Bedside Nursing: Bedside Reporting
End of shift reporting in our chosen hospital has shown a level of unorganization and ineffectiveness. Currently, the practice is that the nursing staff are seated in or around the desk allowing for interruptions from phones, families, and other staff members. Interruptions like these allow for misinterpretation and communication errors which could lead to a decrease in a patient’s outcome and safety. Through utilization of three different theoretical frameworks along with evaluation of several meta-analysis and research based articles, we evaluated the effectiveness of bedside handoff reporting. The evidence is in favor of bedside handoff reporting. Therefore, the hospital should move towards the implementation of the bedside handoff report to increase patient safety, improve patient satisfaction, and increase nursing communication leading to less errors.