Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: And The Award Goes To…: Research Proposal on How Entertainment Award Shows Can Recover From There Racism

And The Award Goes To…: Research Proposal on How Entertainment Award Shows Can Recover From There Racism

Presenter Information

Natalie SturgeonFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Public Relations


Sports Communications

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Entertainment award shows have been around for years and are the talk of the town during awards season. Apart of that conversation is are the award shows racist due to the lack of representation they have in nominations or governing bodies. This research proposal will take a look at how award shows keep repeating the cycle of racism, and what they can do to break it. This proposal will look specifically at the Academy Awards, the Golden Globe Awards, and the Grammy Awards. The objectives of this proposal are to assess the racism implemented by different entertainment award shows, create and implement strategies of ways the racism can be acknowledged and can be eradicated from the awards process, and finally, have award shows recognize the need for diversity and nominate/award accordingly. Using a survey method, the proposal will establish what the public perception is on the award show racism. The proposal can be created through the strategies of digital media, media relations, and event coordination.

Fall Scholars Week 2022 Event

Public Relations: A Digital Poster Showcase of Research Proposals (JMC 440)

This document is currently not available here.



And The Award Goes To…: Research Proposal on How Entertainment Award Shows Can Recover From There Racism

Entertainment award shows have been around for years and are the talk of the town during awards season. Apart of that conversation is are the award shows racist due to the lack of representation they have in nominations or governing bodies. This research proposal will take a look at how award shows keep repeating the cycle of racism, and what they can do to break it. This proposal will look specifically at the Academy Awards, the Golden Globe Awards, and the Grammy Awards. The objectives of this proposal are to assess the racism implemented by different entertainment award shows, create and implement strategies of ways the racism can be acknowledged and can be eradicated from the awards process, and finally, have award shows recognize the need for diversity and nominate/award accordingly. Using a survey method, the proposal will establish what the public perception is on the award show racism. The proposal can be created through the strategies of digital media, media relations, and event coordination.