Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Research Proposal on how residents in Kentucky perceive Living Organ Donation

Research Proposal on how residents in Kentucky perceive Living Organ Donation

Presenter Information

Mallory GarrardFollow


Organizational Communications & Public Relations

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


The Key message of the proposal will be how to get across to the public that great actions will leave a mark on the world through living organ donation. Topics we need to recognize how the Living Organ Donation registration is shockingly low in the state of Kentucky and acknowledge the importance of registration. In order for the proposal to reach its goals, the inferential statistical analysis and the statistical test that will be proposed is the F-Test. This specific test helps in order to identify the model that best fits the population from which the data was sampled. A google form survey will be used for helping collect data from participants. It is important to make the objectives of the proposal clear and to know who your audience is. Striking a tone that is confident and forward looking will make the public want to know more about the Living Organ Donor proposal and encourage them to sign up for organ registration.

Fall Scholars Week 2022 Event

Public Relations: A Digital Poster Showcase of Research Proposals (JMC 440)

This document is currently not available here.



Research Proposal on how residents in Kentucky perceive Living Organ Donation

The Key message of the proposal will be how to get across to the public that great actions will leave a mark on the world through living organ donation. Topics we need to recognize how the Living Organ Donation registration is shockingly low in the state of Kentucky and acknowledge the importance of registration. In order for the proposal to reach its goals, the inferential statistical analysis and the statistical test that will be proposed is the F-Test. This specific test helps in order to identify the model that best fits the population from which the data was sampled. A google form survey will be used for helping collect data from participants. It is important to make the objectives of the proposal clear and to know who your audience is. Striking a tone that is confident and forward looking will make the public want to know more about the Living Organ Donor proposal and encourage them to sign up for organ registration.