Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
Client Education of the Canine Distemper-Parvo Vaccine
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Chemistry; Biology
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Dr. Laura Ken Hoffman
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
I am currently researching how much clients know about the canine distemper-parvo vaccine. This includes what they know about the vaccine, the viruses it protects against (distemper virus, adenovirus, parvovirus, and leptospirosis), and how they would prefer to be educated. I plan to use this research to determine whether veterinary professionals need improve their client education techniques and how they should go about doing this.
Fall Scholars Week 2023 Event
Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
Client Education of the Canine Distemper-Parvo Vaccine
I am currently researching how much clients know about the canine distemper-parvo vaccine. This includes what they know about the vaccine, the viruses it protects against (distemper virus, adenovirus, parvovirus, and leptospirosis), and how they would prefer to be educated. I plan to use this research to determine whether veterinary professionals need improve their client education techniques and how they should go about doing this.