Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Hey Barbie! There's a lot of Kens on my screen: A qualitative analysis of female gender inequality in media representation and how society’s responses to it have evolved.

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

Hey Barbie! There's a lot of Kens on my screen: A qualitative analysis of female gender inequality in media representation and how society’s responses to it have evolved.

Presenter Information

Ania BoutinFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation





Media Production

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Dr. Marcie Hinton

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


In 2023, Greta Gerwig became the first female director to solo-direct a film that made $1 billion. While her success with Barbie marks progress for women in media, the industry remains male dominated, with women largely underrepresented both behind the camera and on screen. This thesis analyzes the content of several documentaries, spanning 1979 to 2018, to see how the media industry, and societal perspectives, have evolved when it comes to female representation.

Fall Scholars Week 2024 Event

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

This document is currently not available here.



Hey Barbie! There's a lot of Kens on my screen: A qualitative analysis of female gender inequality in media representation and how society’s responses to it have evolved.

In 2023, Greta Gerwig became the first female director to solo-direct a film that made $1 billion. While her success with Barbie marks progress for women in media, the industry remains male dominated, with women largely underrepresented both behind the camera and on screen. This thesis analyzes the content of several documentaries, spanning 1979 to 2018, to see how the media industry, and societal perspectives, have evolved when it comes to female representation.