ORCA | General Poster Session
War Propaganda: The Effects of Violence in the Media
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Public Relations
Political Science
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Dr. Bellarmine Ezumah
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
We would like to further investigate the effects that war propaganda may have, not only on our generation but on past generations as well. The theories that we will to cover are desensitization, propaganda, and media cultivation. We would like to take each of these theories and use them to prove our hypothesis; our hypothesis being that war propaganda has caused our generation to become accustomed to the brutality of war. Our group will be collecting data from scholarly journals, looking into databases from Waterfield library, and would like to utilize survey from our peers on campus. We will share our results at exhibition during Scholars Week, relating to the impact that war propaganda has on the public’s tolerance to violence. As a group, we would like to bring this into light because increased violence in our society has a major effect on our culture.
War Propaganda: The Effects of Violence in the Media
We would like to further investigate the effects that war propaganda may have, not only on our generation but on past generations as well. The theories that we will to cover are desensitization, propaganda, and media cultivation. We would like to take each of these theories and use them to prove our hypothesis; our hypothesis being that war propaganda has caused our generation to become accustomed to the brutality of war. Our group will be collecting data from scholarly journals, looking into databases from Waterfield library, and would like to utilize survey from our peers on campus. We will share our results at exhibition during Scholars Week, relating to the impact that war propaganda has on the public’s tolerance to violence. As a group, we would like to bring this into light because increased violence in our society has a major effect on our culture.