ORCA | General Poster Session
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Creative Writing
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Dr. Bellarmine Ezumah
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
"The Perception of Feminism in the Media" will focus on the role that mass media has played in the growth of feminism as well as how its portrayal on social media and large news outlets has affected how college students perceive the idea and ultimately form an opinion of feminism based upon it.
Included in
Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons, Mass Communication Commons
The Perception of Feminism in the Media
"The Perception of Feminism in the Media" will focus on the role that mass media has played in the growth of feminism as well as how its portrayal on social media and large news outlets has affected how college students perceive the idea and ultimately form an opinion of feminism based upon it.