Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: The Imperial Legacy of Healthcare in Nigeria

COHFA | Global Media and the African Continent

The Imperial Legacy of Healthcare in Nigeria

Presenter Information

Eric GrayFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




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David Pizzo, PhD.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


My paper topic focuses on Nigerian efforts to eradicate diseases and the history behind healthcare in Nigeria/West Africa. The sources used in my paper center on state-led efforts (colonial and postcolonial) to improve healthcare in Nigeria and the background to the nation’s successes and failures in that endeavor. Based on those readings it becomes clear that the legacy of colonization has both helped and hampered healthcare initiatives in Nigeria. Additionally, current Western news coverage of this issue (what little can be found) largely neglects the context of Nigeria's colonial past when discussing the efforts of Nigerians to cure polio and other diseases within their nation.

Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event

Global Media and the African Continent

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The Imperial Legacy of Healthcare in Nigeria

My paper topic focuses on Nigerian efforts to eradicate diseases and the history behind healthcare in Nigeria/West Africa. The sources used in my paper center on state-led efforts (colonial and postcolonial) to improve healthcare in Nigeria and the background to the nation’s successes and failures in that endeavor. Based on those readings it becomes clear that the legacy of colonization has both helped and hampered healthcare initiatives in Nigeria. Additionally, current Western news coverage of this issue (what little can be found) largely neglects the context of Nigeria's colonial past when discussing the efforts of Nigerians to cure polio and other diseases within their nation.