COHFA | Global Media and the African Continent
Killer Virus in Africa
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Middle School Education
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
David Pizzo, PhD.
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
Africa is known to be one of the deadliest continents in the world; mostly due to infectious diseases. Many people are aware of the several, scary and epidemic level viruses that are prevalent in Africa, except for one. Hopefully this presentation will share awareness on this deadly virus and change your opinion on African illnesses.
Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event
Honors College Senior Thesis Presentation
Killer Virus in Africa
Africa is known to be one of the deadliest continents in the world; mostly due to infectious diseases. Many people are aware of the several, scary and epidemic level viruses that are prevalent in Africa, except for one. Hopefully this presentation will share awareness on this deadly virus and change your opinion on African illnesses.