Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Planning A Hunger Journey

Planning A Hunger Journey

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Elementary Education

2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Student Major

Political Science

3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


3rd Student Major

OSHA Safety

4th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


4th Student Major

Ag Engineer

Presentation Format



Most do not realize how many citizens in our community are in need. Our group examined the importance of fundraising efforts for the organizations who help the citizens in our community with their needs. Our project focuses on The Hunger Journey, a fundraiser for Beyond Uganda, Murray-Calloway County Senior Citizen’s Center, and Need Line. It provides an educational, and interactive experience of what hunger looks and feels like for the wealthy, middle class, and poor, much like a life-sized version of the game “Life.” The overall goal of this project is to plan the event in order to help people who are in need in our community.

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event

ORCA General Poster Session (Non-juried)

This document is currently not available here.



Planning A Hunger Journey

Most do not realize how many citizens in our community are in need. Our group examined the importance of fundraising efforts for the organizations who help the citizens in our community with their needs. Our project focuses on The Hunger Journey, a fundraiser for Beyond Uganda, Murray-Calloway County Senior Citizen’s Center, and Need Line. It provides an educational, and interactive experience of what hunger looks and feels like for the wealthy, middle class, and poor, much like a life-sized version of the game “Life.” The overall goal of this project is to plan the event in order to help people who are in need in our community.