Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Celebrity Athlete Advocacy in a transnational world: A relational content analysis and the case of Enes Kanter, Turkey and the global business of the NBA

Celebrity Athlete Advocacy in a transnational world: A relational content analysis and the case of Enes Kanter, Turkey and the global business of the NBA

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Public Relations

2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Student Major


3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


3rd Student Major

Television Production

4th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


4th Student Major


5th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


5th Student Major

Graphic Design

Presentation Format



Celebrity Athlete Advocacy in a transnational world: A relational content analysis and the case of Enes Kanter, Turkey and the global business of the NBA

Submitted by: Sydney Owen, Keith Jaco, Tony Goth, Keaton Faughn, and Shelby Handley

In a world that is increasingly borderless thanks to digital media, influencers can go global. For instance, Turkish citizen Enes Kanter, an NBA player, and outspoken critic of President Erdoğan would not be able to speak out in his home country. As a celebrity athlete and employee of global business, Kanter now has access to a platform and the motivation to campaign for awareness of oppressive conditions in his home country.

Social media allows international athletes to contribute to mass media conversation and parasocial interaction, and in the case of Kanter, to speak out via Twitter about atrocities in countries that are in danger or in ruins.

In some cases, negative consequences can occur for the athlete as he is an employee of an organization who might have contractual policies regarding those messages. However, in the case of Kanter and the NBA, the global business backs Kanter and lends its own voice to his criticism of the Turkish government.

In this paper, students in an international mass media class perform an exploratory relational content analysis to determine the success of Kanter’s campaign to create awareness of suppression of expression by President Erdoğan of Turkey.

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event


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Celebrity Athlete Advocacy in a transnational world: A relational content analysis and the case of Enes Kanter, Turkey and the global business of the NBA

Celebrity Athlete Advocacy in a transnational world: A relational content analysis and the case of Enes Kanter, Turkey and the global business of the NBA

Submitted by: Sydney Owen, Keith Jaco, Tony Goth, Keaton Faughn, and Shelby Handley

In a world that is increasingly borderless thanks to digital media, influencers can go global. For instance, Turkish citizen Enes Kanter, an NBA player, and outspoken critic of President Erdoğan would not be able to speak out in his home country. As a celebrity athlete and employee of global business, Kanter now has access to a platform and the motivation to campaign for awareness of oppressive conditions in his home country.

Social media allows international athletes to contribute to mass media conversation and parasocial interaction, and in the case of Kanter, to speak out via Twitter about atrocities in countries that are in danger or in ruins.

In some cases, negative consequences can occur for the athlete as he is an employee of an organization who might have contractual policies regarding those messages. However, in the case of Kanter and the NBA, the global business backs Kanter and lends its own voice to his criticism of the Turkish government.

In this paper, students in an international mass media class perform an exploratory relational content analysis to determine the success of Kanter’s campaign to create awareness of suppression of expression by President Erdoğan of Turkey.