The Use of Sucrose Solutions for Pain Relief During Simple Procedures in Newborns
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Within their first 48 hours of life, newborns are exposed to different procedures necessary for their well-being, but potentially distressing to their small bodies that are still trying to adapt to the harsh reality of the world outside of their mother. They experience immunizations, heel lances, possible IVs if there is a need, and circumcision in the case of some males. Studies have found that the administration of oral sucrose can decrease the pain felt in a newborn during these procedures (Heaton, Herd, & Fernando, 2007).
Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event
Senior Nursing Poster Session
Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event
Senior Nursing Poster Session
The Use of Sucrose Solutions for Pain Relief During Simple Procedures in Newborns
Within their first 48 hours of life, newborns are exposed to different procedures necessary for their well-being, but potentially distressing to their small bodies that are still trying to adapt to the harsh reality of the world outside of their mother. They experience immunizations, heel lances, possible IVs if there is a need, and circumcision in the case of some males. Studies have found that the administration of oral sucrose can decrease the pain felt in a newborn during these procedures (Heaton, Herd, & Fernando, 2007).
Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event
Senior Nursing Poster Session