Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Mitigating Emergency Department Violence

Mitigating Emergency Department Violence

Presenter Information

Andrew DettlingerFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Jessica Naber, RN, PhD; Lori Ballard, RN, MSN

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Workplace violence (WPV) in the emergency department (ED) is a serious hazard for ED personnel and other clients residing in the unit. Four articles were analyzed to gain an understanding of current mitigation and preventive strategies. These articles discussed the use of focus groups, improving education on perceived WPV, confidence levels, and the need to involve more than one intervention. After analysis a revolving policy/ procedure was developed with the intent to improve mitigating WPV in the ED.

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event

Senior Nursing Poster Session

This document is currently not available here.



Mitigating Emergency Department Violence

Workplace violence (WPV) in the emergency department (ED) is a serious hazard for ED personnel and other clients residing in the unit. Four articles were analyzed to gain an understanding of current mitigation and preventive strategies. These articles discussed the use of focus groups, improving education on perceived WPV, confidence levels, and the need to involve more than one intervention. After analysis a revolving policy/ procedure was developed with the intent to improve mitigating WPV in the ED.