Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Implementation of a Palliative Care Screening Tool

Implementation of a Palliative Care Screening Tool

Presenter Information

Amanda LillyFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Jessica Naber, RN, PhD; Lori Ballard, RN, MSN

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Palliative Care is an approach that improves the quality of life in patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illnesses. This type of care focuses on the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification, assessment, and treatment of pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual issues. Implementation of a Palliative Care screening tool is an initiative intended to improve access to Palliative Care services among patients with life-limiting illness by facilitating early referral. Three articles investigate the acceptability, reliability, and validity of a Palliative Care screening tool in various settings.

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event

Senior Nursing Poster Session

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Implementation of a Palliative Care Screening Tool

Palliative Care is an approach that improves the quality of life in patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illnesses. This type of care focuses on the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification, assessment, and treatment of pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual issues. Implementation of a Palliative Care screening tool is an initiative intended to improve access to Palliative Care services among patients with life-limiting illness by facilitating early referral. Three articles investigate the acceptability, reliability, and validity of a Palliative Care screening tool in various settings.