ORCA General Oral Presentation Session (Virtual)
Determinants of an Author's Financial Success
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Dr. Simone Silva
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Oral Presentation
There have been few studies and theories in academic literature about the inputs of author income, especially those conducted using multi-variable regression analysis. While others have investigated the relationship between two variables, this one will see the effect of multiple variables on author net income. This paper views a small sample of around 370 individuals to study which variables have an effect on an author’s net income and which may not. The analyses will find whether how many years published, whether writing as a primary job, having a literary agent, and being traditionally published may have significant effects on net income. As well, this seeks to find answers to other variables that may affect net income of an author such as genre, the number of novels published, hours spent writing or marketing, and country of residence. This paper seeks to find what determines the amount of money an author makes.
Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event
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Other Scholars Week Event
Economics Senior Paper
Determinants of an Author's Financial Success
There have been few studies and theories in academic literature about the inputs of author income, especially those conducted using multi-variable regression analysis. While others have investigated the relationship between two variables, this one will see the effect of multiple variables on author net income. This paper views a small sample of around 370 individuals to study which variables have an effect on an author’s net income and which may not. The analyses will find whether how many years published, whether writing as a primary job, having a literary agent, and being traditionally published may have significant effects on net income. As well, this seeks to find answers to other variables that may affect net income of an author such as genre, the number of novels published, hours spent writing or marketing, and country of residence. This paper seeks to find what determines the amount of money an author makes.