ORCA General Oral Presentation Session (Virtual) | 2020 - Spring Scholars Week

ORCA General Oral Presentation Session (Virtual)

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A Solution to Japan’s Hikikomori and Stray Animal Problems: Animal Therapy

Lara Justice

An Ergonomic Analysis of Ingredient Batching in a Dairy Bottling Facility

Hayden Johnson
Laila Elhidmi, Murray State University

An Ergonomic Assessment of Healthcare Rehabilitation Workers

William Shepherd
Laramie Locke, Murray State University
Katherine Archibong, Murray State University

Artist Talk

Samantha Tudor

Artist Talk - Jasmine Groves

Jasmine Groves

Cara Crowley BFA Pecha Kucha

Cara Crowley

Consumer Response to Foundations and Firms When Firms Own or Sponsor a Foundation

Amanda Swift

Determinants of an Author's Financial Success

Elizabeth Lasley

Emotions & Satisfaction: Does Emotional Contagion Make the Heart Grow Fonder?

Morgan Brewington

Fanny Fern: Forgotten Feminist from the Nineteenth Century

Cady Stribling

Gleichheit ablehnen: Eine Erklärung der Beziehung zwischen toxischer Männlichkeit und AfD

Kelsay Goldsberry

Hawthorne’s Beautiful Women and Hideous Men: Ecofeminism in “The Birthmark” and “Rappaccini’s Daughter”

Olivia Shelton

How the Netflix sitcom “One Day at a Time” shapes the national identity of Cuban Americans through the use of humor.

Valentina Salas

I Couldn't Decide on a Title: The Relationship Between Parenting Style and Indecisiveness

Brooke Short, Murray State University

Idioma para todes: An examination of the Argentinian discussion for an inclusive language.

Dylan Glunt

Japanese Learners of English: Language Production and its Relation to Test-Centric Education

Caleb Donaldson

Karli Steinbruegge

karli steinbruegge

My Head Understands, My Heart Understands: Increased Cognitive and Emotional Perspective-Taking in Bilingual Education

Sierra Todd

New Journalism: The Era of Tom Wolfe and Hunter S. Thompson

Samantha Bainer

One God and Three Persons

Caralyn DiMatties

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Edgar Allan Poe's Use of Concealment

Alyssa Hubbard

Reversible Inhibition of Mycobacterial DnaB Protein Splicing by Zinc

Gabrielle Hardison

Simon McNeil, a BFA pecha kucha

Simon McNeil

Sport and perspective taking

Hillary Copeland

Tia Whitaker: Artist Talk

Tia Whitaker

Value-Aligned Behavior & Psychological Flexibility: Exploring Relationships between Seeking Mental Health Services and Core Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes

Morgan Brewington

Wrongly Classified: The Misdiagnosis of Specific Language Impairment Among Spanish-English Bilingual Children

Taylor Stinson-Tanner