Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: The Effect of Profanity and Quality on Perceived Review Helpfulness and Purchase Intentions

The Office of Research and Creative Activity: General Poster Session

Academic Level at Time of Presentation





Media Production; Japanese

Presentation Format



This extended abstract explores the effect of profanity usage and writing quality on the perceived helpfulness of online customer reviews and customers’ purchase intentions. Customer reviews have become increasingly important in recent years. Topics related to customer reviews are valence, quality, and the presence or absence of profanity. While previous research has connected some of these topics, the moderating effect of profanity on review quality is scarce. We expect a three-way interaction in which readers will find low-quality negative reviews containing profanity less helpful, high-quality negative reviews containing profanity more helpful, and high-quality reviews containing profanity more helpful. Furthermore, we expect a neutral effect from low-quality positive reviews containing profanity. We believe this research will provide practical applications for platforms that host customer reviews.

Spring Scholars Week 2021 Event

General Poster Session (Non-juried)



The Effect of Profanity and Quality on Perceived Review Helpfulness and Purchase Intentions

This extended abstract explores the effect of profanity usage and writing quality on the perceived helpfulness of online customer reviews and customers’ purchase intentions. Customer reviews have become increasingly important in recent years. Topics related to customer reviews are valence, quality, and the presence or absence of profanity. While previous research has connected some of these topics, the moderating effect of profanity on review quality is scarce. We expect a three-way interaction in which readers will find low-quality negative reviews containing profanity less helpful, high-quality negative reviews containing profanity more helpful, and high-quality reviews containing profanity more helpful. Furthermore, we expect a neutral effect from low-quality positive reviews containing profanity. We believe this research will provide practical applications for platforms that host customer reviews.