Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Mathematical Model of Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD) Spread in Tasmanian Devils

JCSET | Projects in Biomathematics

Presenter Information

Abigail CollinsFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Biomedical Sciences


Chemistry / Biomathematics

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Dr. McCarthy

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Applications of disease models can lead to insight on spread of diseases, population movements, and wildlife health safety. This exploration of mathematical models sought to determine the spread of wildlife disease, specifically devil facial tumor disease (DFTD). Tasmanian devil populations have been negatively affected by DFTD. The basic SIR disease model was modified to better fit the spread of DFTD, along with a network model to inspect the rate of infectivity. It was found that the population of Tasmanian devils will continue to decrease in size and multiple populations are connected to each other. Models of wildlife disease have the capability to give more insight into the spread of diseases and their impact on animal populations.

Spring Scholars Week 2022 Event

Principles of Biomathematics



Mathematical Model of Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD) Spread in Tasmanian Devils

Applications of disease models can lead to insight on spread of diseases, population movements, and wildlife health safety. This exploration of mathematical models sought to determine the spread of wildlife disease, specifically devil facial tumor disease (DFTD). Tasmanian devil populations have been negatively affected by DFTD. The basic SIR disease model was modified to better fit the spread of DFTD, along with a network model to inspect the rate of infectivity. It was found that the population of Tasmanian devils will continue to decrease in size and multiple populations are connected to each other. Models of wildlife disease have the capability to give more insight into the spread of diseases and their impact on animal populations.