Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
State Government Pandemic Response
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
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Dr. Simone Silva, Dr. Warren Edminster
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
The political leanings of a state's government may've had an effect on the state's COVID-19 spread and the state's economic resilience during the pandemic. The main independent variables will be variables which measure a state's partisanship and there are several controls which correlated with both partisanship and COVID-19 or partisanship and the economy, in order to combat omitted variable bias. COVID-19 variables and economic variables will serve as the dependent variables.
Spring Scholars Week 2022 Event
Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
State Government Pandemic Response
The political leanings of a state's government may've had an effect on the state's COVID-19 spread and the state's economic resilience during the pandemic. The main independent variables will be variables which measure a state's partisanship and there are several controls which correlated with both partisanship and COVID-19 or partisanship and the economy, in order to combat omitted variable bias. COVID-19 variables and economic variables will serve as the dependent variables.