Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Prevention of Medical Device Related Pressure Injuries (MDPRIs)

Senior Nursing Poster Session (Virtual)

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Student Major


3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


3rd Student Major


List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

DR. Naber

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Throughout our clinical rotations, we noticed many patients who had developed pressure ulcers caused by medical devices, which are often referred to as MDRPIs. We acknowledged this as a problem and decided to look into it further. We reviewed various articles to find the best practice when it comes to preventing/minimizing these injuries. We analyzed a meta-synthesis, a qualitative study, and an experimental study and used that as our research on the topic. After reviewing these articles, we will present our findings to a local hospital to make recommendations on how they can better prevent/minimize MDRPIs. In conclusion, MDRPIs are a problem in healthcare facilities everywhere. Although they are not completely preventable, there are some things that can be done to minimize them. Based on our research, these things include: frequently assessing the skin around the device, implementing the use of the CLEAN acronym for assessment purposes, repositioning the devices if possible, and removing the devices as soon as possible.

Spring Scholars Week 2022 Event

Senior Nursing Poster Session

Included in

Nursing Commons



Prevention of Medical Device Related Pressure Injuries (MDPRIs)

Throughout our clinical rotations, we noticed many patients who had developed pressure ulcers caused by medical devices, which are often referred to as MDRPIs. We acknowledged this as a problem and decided to look into it further. We reviewed various articles to find the best practice when it comes to preventing/minimizing these injuries. We analyzed a meta-synthesis, a qualitative study, and an experimental study and used that as our research on the topic. After reviewing these articles, we will present our findings to a local hospital to make recommendations on how they can better prevent/minimize MDRPIs. In conclusion, MDRPIs are a problem in healthcare facilities everywhere. Although they are not completely preventable, there are some things that can be done to minimize them. Based on our research, these things include: frequently assessing the skin around the device, implementing the use of the CLEAN acronym for assessment purposes, repositioning the devices if possible, and removing the devices as soon as possible.