Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Brown to Floyd: How Critical Junctures Impact Protest Coverage

Political Science and Sociology Panel

Brown to Floyd: How Critical Junctures Impact Protest Coverage

Presenter Information

Olivia BadalamentiFollow


Political Science

Presentation Format



Critical junctures in the Black Lives Matter Movement include the deaths of Michael Brown in 2014 and George Floyd in 2020. These moments raise the question of how the media reports on the Black Lives Matter Movement, and if this coverage changes over time? Research surrounding social movements routinely shows the media's negative coverage of protests, also known as the protest paradigm. This study provides a longitudinal analysis of digital news coverage of protests surrounding the deaths of Brown and Floyd.

Spring Scholars Week 2023 Event

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

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Brown to Floyd: How Critical Junctures Impact Protest Coverage

Critical junctures in the Black Lives Matter Movement include the deaths of Michael Brown in 2014 and George Floyd in 2020. These moments raise the question of how the media reports on the Black Lives Matter Movement, and if this coverage changes over time? Research surrounding social movements routinely shows the media's negative coverage of protests, also known as the protest paradigm. This study provides a longitudinal analysis of digital news coverage of protests surrounding the deaths of Brown and Floyd.