CHFA | Psychology Department Showcase: Projects In-Progress
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Dr. Amanda Joyce
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Making the transition from high school to college can be a stressful event for any future college student; however, research shows that those difficulties were exacerbated during the Covid-19 pandemic (Husky et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021) In a previous study, data indicated that during the pandemic, students had a difficult time staying on task and expressing self-discipline when it came to school-work. Despite these difficulties, however, students still showed promising trends in being self-aware that they would have to increase their study habits thus resulting in a higher GPA. The purpose of this present study is to determine if these same trends still hold true in a post Covid-19 world. As of now, 73 students have contributed data to this investigation. Data collection is still in progress; therefore, results and implications will be discussed during the presentation.
Spring Scholars Week 2023 Event
Psychology: Projects In-Progress
Student Learning Characteristics and Preferences
Making the transition from high school to college can be a stressful event for any future college student; however, research shows that those difficulties were exacerbated during the Covid-19 pandemic (Husky et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021) In a previous study, data indicated that during the pandemic, students had a difficult time staying on task and expressing self-discipline when it came to school-work. Despite these difficulties, however, students still showed promising trends in being self-aware that they would have to increase their study habits thus resulting in a higher GPA. The purpose of this present study is to determine if these same trends still hold true in a post Covid-19 world. As of now, 73 students have contributed data to this investigation. Data collection is still in progress; therefore, results and implications will be discussed during the presentation.