CHFA | Psychology Department Showcase: Projects In-Progress
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Criminal Justice
2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Major
2nd Student Minor
Gender and Diversity Studies
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Amanda Joyce, PhD.
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
As the cost of higher education rises (Gardner, 2022) many are beginning to question just how much completing a college degree helps to prepare them for the workforce (Forbes, 2017, Gerth, 2017). The purpose of this investigation is to examine the perceptions of college students on their employability including the ways in which their own characteristics may relate to these perceptions. Data collection is currently underway. Students will report their perceived employability (EmployABILITY scale, Bennet & Ananthram, 2021; and Employability Scale, Rothwell et al., 2008), demographic characteristics (age, gender, major, year in college, etc.) temperament (Adult Temperament Questionnaire, Evans & Rothbart, 2007), locus of control (Rotter, 1966), and self-regulation (Brown et al., 1999). Results and their implications will be discussed.
Spring Scholars Week 2023 Event
Psychology: Projects In-Progress
Student Characteristics and the Workplace
As the cost of higher education rises (Gardner, 2022) many are beginning to question just how much completing a college degree helps to prepare them for the workforce (Forbes, 2017, Gerth, 2017). The purpose of this investigation is to examine the perceptions of college students on their employability including the ways in which their own characteristics may relate to these perceptions. Data collection is currently underway. Students will report their perceived employability (EmployABILITY scale, Bennet & Ananthram, 2021; and Employability Scale, Rothwell et al., 2008), demographic characteristics (age, gender, major, year in college, etc.) temperament (Adult Temperament Questionnaire, Evans & Rothbart, 2007), locus of control (Rotter, 1966), and self-regulation (Brown et al., 1999). Results and their implications will be discussed.