Nurse Anesthesia DNP Project Presentations
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Doctor of Nursing Practice: Nurse Anesthesia
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Dr. Tonia Marlow
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Reducing Perioperative Opioid Use Through Utilization of Dexmedetomidine
Prior to Induction: Provider Education
AIM: The primary objective of this project was to decrease perioperative opioid use by providing education to key stakeholders on the efficacy of implementing dexmedetomidine prior to induction to attenuate the response to surgical stress.
KEYWORDS: anesthesia, dexmedetomidine, opioid-sparing analgesia, multimodal analgesia
METHODS: Strategies to promote a practice change included disseminating education to anesthesia providers through handouts and one-on-one education and evaluating the efficacy of the education through questionnaires.
RESULTS: Twelve anesthesia providers participated in the project. After receiving education, the mean score based on a self-assessment regarding knowledge of dexmedetomidine increased from 3.25 to 4.08 out of 5. There was a 25% increase in the number of anesthesia providers who planned to incorporate dexmedetomidine into their daily anesthesia practice, and 66.7% of providers stated they would utilize pre-induction dexmedetomidine on all appropriate patients moving forward.
CONCLUSION: Through the implementation of this doctoral project, anesthesia providers are now more knowledgeable regarding the numerous advantages that are associated with incorporating dexmedetomidine into their anesthetic plan. Furthermore, this evidence-based practice recommendation will hopefully help to reduce the amount of opioids given perioperatively and improve patient safety and satisfaction.
Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event
Nurse Anesthesia DNP Project Presentations (NUR 915)
Included in
Reducing Perioperative Opioid Use Through Utilization of Dexmedetomidine Prior to Induction: Provider Education
Reducing Perioperative Opioid Use Through Utilization of Dexmedetomidine
Prior to Induction: Provider Education
AIM: The primary objective of this project was to decrease perioperative opioid use by providing education to key stakeholders on the efficacy of implementing dexmedetomidine prior to induction to attenuate the response to surgical stress.
KEYWORDS: anesthesia, dexmedetomidine, opioid-sparing analgesia, multimodal analgesia
METHODS: Strategies to promote a practice change included disseminating education to anesthesia providers through handouts and one-on-one education and evaluating the efficacy of the education through questionnaires.
RESULTS: Twelve anesthesia providers participated in the project. After receiving education, the mean score based on a self-assessment regarding knowledge of dexmedetomidine increased from 3.25 to 4.08 out of 5. There was a 25% increase in the number of anesthesia providers who planned to incorporate dexmedetomidine into their daily anesthesia practice, and 66.7% of providers stated they would utilize pre-induction dexmedetomidine on all appropriate patients moving forward.
CONCLUSION: Through the implementation of this doctoral project, anesthesia providers are now more knowledgeable regarding the numerous advantages that are associated with incorporating dexmedetomidine into their anesthetic plan. Furthermore, this evidence-based practice recommendation will hopefully help to reduce the amount of opioids given perioperatively and improve patient safety and satisfaction.