Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: How Covid-19 Exacerbated Asian Hate

Political Science and Sociology Panel

How Covid-19 Exacerbated Asian Hate

Presenter Information

Jacob LemonFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Political Science and Sociology

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Dr. Nititham

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


During the pandemic, there was a significant increase in racism towards Asian Americans. It is important to research the various ways that Asian Americans have been increasingly affected by racism. Racism has affected their lives on social media, protests of their businesses, and violent acts toward them. Scholars such as (Nghiem and Morstatter, 2022) (Cheng, et al. 2022) (Gover, et al. 2020) have lacked research in what ways to alleviate or prevent racism against Asian Americans. I will report various ways in which other scholars such as ( Tessler, Choi, & Kao, 2020)(Jung, 2021) have researched this issue of Asian hate and how it has rapidly become more prevalent since the virus started. Scholars, such as (Ruiz, et al, 2023), have collected from all groups within Asian American communities. These implications will play an important role in understanding how Asian Americans are being currently affected and bring about ways to try and get control to end such hate.

Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event

Political Science and Sociology Panel

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How Covid-19 Exacerbated Asian Hate

During the pandemic, there was a significant increase in racism towards Asian Americans. It is important to research the various ways that Asian Americans have been increasingly affected by racism. Racism has affected their lives on social media, protests of their businesses, and violent acts toward them. Scholars such as (Nghiem and Morstatter, 2022) (Cheng, et al. 2022) (Gover, et al. 2020) have lacked research in what ways to alleviate or prevent racism against Asian Americans. I will report various ways in which other scholars such as ( Tessler, Choi, & Kao, 2020)(Jung, 2021) have researched this issue of Asian hate and how it has rapidly become more prevalent since the virus started. Scholars, such as (Ruiz, et al, 2023), have collected from all groups within Asian American communities. These implications will play an important role in understanding how Asian Americans are being currently affected and bring about ways to try and get control to end such hate.