"National Health Insurance for the United States" by Ashley Herrell


Approximately 46 million U.S. citizens lack health insurance despite the nation's abundant resources. The imperative for universal healthcare arises, with a proposed solution being mandatory national health insurance. This paradigm shift, championed by the U.S. House of Representatives, Senate, and citizens, aims to eradicate the issue of people foregoing healthcare due to lack of insurance, promising to enhance collective well-being. The U.S. stands out among high-income countries without comprehensive universal healthcare, leading to disproportionately high out-of-pocket expenses and inferior health outcomes. Social determinants like income, race, and rural residence exacerbate the challenge by limiting healthcare access for vulnerable groups. Embracing a 'universal healthcare' paradigm could transform the U.S. healthcare landscape, ensuring quality, economic viability, and the elimination of discriminatory barriers. A preferred model involves a private-sector, government-funded single-payer system, viewed as the clear answer to the healthcare crisis. This robust, publicly funded, non-profit initiative could provide affordable, comprehensive medical coverage for all Americans, making it the only viable option. The bottom line is a single-payer national health program is not only affordable but the only affordable option, poised to deliver on its promise of superior quality, economic viability, and the elimination of discriminatory barriers in fostering a more equitable and compassionate healthcare system.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2023

Senior Project Advisor

G. Michael Barton

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Health Care Administration

Document Type

