"Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Developing Children" by Lillie Brooks


While screen time can be educational, the lack of limitations and guidelines for children to use screen time has become an issue in our society. Children are struggling emotionally, socially,physically, and mentally, as they are exposed to more screen time with no parental/guardian input on what they are viewing. Research shows that children exposed to higher amounts of screen time have more problems focusing, sleeping, and regulating their emotions on a daily basis. This paper is on the effects of screen time on developing children. Studies and research articles were compared to reveal the most information on this subject. Those research articles have similarities, and they all flow together to reinforce the findings that screen time can have negative effects on children and their development. The articles come from diverse backgrounds all based on their own research, they are peer reviewed to ensure that the information provided is accurate. It is noted that screen time negatively effects children mentally, physically, cognitively, and socially. These articles work together to prove this point using facts and figures found while conducting research. The research focuses on screen time in younger children with an emphasis in early education. The following paper shows the similarities of the research and the factors that play into the effects seen. If nothing else the research is shown and complied to give parents and guardians a warning of what could come from too much exposure to screen time.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2023

Senior Project Advisor

Mr. George Barton

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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