Journal of Agricultural Hemp Research | Faculty-Edited Journals | Murray State University

Journal of Agricultural Hemp Research


Welcome to the Journal of Agricultural Hemp Research homepage.

The Journal of Agricultural Hemp Research is a forum for scholarly, original, and creative work on the economics of hemp, scientific and technological advancement in the production of hemp, plant and soil science work in hemp, rural and community development as it relates to this industry, and the implications for management of natural resources and the environment.

Papers should relate to one of these areas, should have a problem orientation, and should demonstrate originality and innovation in analysis, methods, or application.

Analyses of problems pertinent to research practices, extension, and teaching are equally encouraged. All articles published, regardless of their nature, will be held to the same set of scholarly standards.

Read the JAHR's Aims and Scope.

Learn more by reading about the Journal.

Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2023)

Journal Articles


The Impact of Cervid Herbivory on Industrial Fiber Hemp in East Central Illinois
Nicholas C. Cheney, Isaac Slaven, and Barbara S. Carlsward