Editorial Polices | Journal of Agricultural Hemp Research | Faculty-Edited Journals | Murray State University

Journal of Agricultural Hemp Research

Editorial Polices

Submissions from Current Editorial Board Members:

Current JAHR Editors are occasionally listed as author or co-author on manuscripts reviewed by the journal. While this practice is allowed, such manuscripts are handled by an external editor designated by the Editor-in-Chief. Submissions from current JAHR Associate Editors are handled by the Editors as regular submissions.

Replications of Empirical Analysis in JAHR Articles:

We encourage submissions of replication studies of previously published articles. If accepted, the editor handling the submission will assess the value-added of the study in order to determine whether to publish the replication as a Submitted Article, a Comment on the original article, or as part of the online Supplementary Materials associated with the original article.

References and Citations:

Place References, alphabetized by author, in a list at the end of the paper, (without extra blank lines between references). Provide issue number whenever possible and always for journals that do not number pages sequentially through complete volumes. Format reference with hanging indentation (first line flush left, second and subsequent lines indented). Only cited works may be included in the reference list. All citations should appear in the text and contain the name and year, with page numbers when necessary; text citations should omit any comma or other punctuation between the author name and the year of publication. Citations can be inserted parenthetically, e.g. (Doe 1998, p. 5). If the author’s name is used as part of the sentence, of publication parenthetically, with page numbers if necessary; e.g., Doe, Smith, Jones (2002) show that . . . . . Use et al. only with four or more authors. For text citations listing more than one source, separate sources by a semi-colon: (Doe 1998; Smith and Jones 2000; Smith, Jones, and Erp 2003; Thomas et al. 2004). Do not use et al. in the reference section.

Data and Documentation:

Data sources should be indicated clearly in the article. Upon acceptance and in keeping with evolving policies at other impactful academic journals, authors are expected to submit their datasets and associated documentation (perhaps in a readme file), for readers to download from the JAHR website. Authors are also expected to provide whatever other material is needed to ensure that their results can be replicated (this might include code or pseudo-code used in estimation). Authors are encouraged to comply with all of this policy, but the editors would prefer partial compliance over non-compliance. The submitted files will be accessible as clickable links to the online version of the published paper. It is understood that in cases where the data are proprietary or confidential authors cannot fully satisfy this policy. Such cases should be brought to the attention of the editor at the time of initial submission.

Documentation of Research Involving Human Subjects:

For all submitted manuscripts involving human subjects research conducted by one or more of the authors, the authors must communicate the following to the editors before the manuscript can be reviewed. (1) The authors have obtained necessary approval from all appropriate Institutional Review Boards or equivalent institutional oversight authorities and (2) If the protocol involves deception of human subjects, document the extent and nature of deception involved and the research justification for inclusion of the deception. The handling editor may return manuscripts in which the deception is deemed unwarranted or excessive given the research justification, even if the protocol was approved by all appropriate Institutional Review Boards.

Disclosure Policy:

Each author of a manuscript is required to submit a disclosure statement describing the sources of financial support the author has received. The form for the disclosure statement can be downloaded here. If the paper involves several coauthors, each coauthor is required to submit a separate disclosure statement. The disclosure statement must be included even if the authors have nothing to disclose; this fact should be explicitly stated. Manuscripts submitted without the required disclosure forms will be returned to the authors. In order to preserve the double-blind review system, the disclosure statement will not be available to referees. JAHR’s disclosure policy can be found here.