Kentucky Teacher Education Journal (KTEJ) | Vol 5 | Iss 2
Murray State University

Volume 5, Issue 2 (2018) Kentucky Teachers Research 2019

Token Economies, HLPs, Transformative Apprenticeships, & Classroom Management

Using a Token Economy Combined with a Mystery Motivator for a Student with Autism Exhibiting Challenging Behavior discusses Autism Spectrum Disorder is an area of the 13 disabilities eligible under IDEA rapidly increasing in schools. These students require teachers to use research-based interventions such as token economies to modify behaviors. Bringing High Leverage Practices to the Bluegrass: Statewide Collaborative Effort provides an insightful look into increasing teacher instructional practices through the use of High Leverage Practices helps to improve accountability towards student success. The CEEDAR center's mission is to help improve instruction for all Kentucky students through the Educator Prep Programs with the KEEP initiative. Transformative Apprenticeship: Enacting Teacher Identity in a Clinical Model provides a discussion regarding teacher education programs constantly being scrutinized and the high expectations to produce high quality teachers. Dewey's constructivist viewpoint of learning endorsed through CAEP's accreditation process endorses the need for authentic experiences. Classroom management Through Teacher Candidates' Lenses: Transforming Learning Communities explains how three departments redesigned an undergraduate course to better prepare preservice for classroom management. The research discusses the importance of building learning communities.

Research Articles


Classroom Management through Teacher Candidates’ Lenses: Transforming Learning Communities Through a Community of Practice
Mary S. Thomas, Penny B. Howell, Shantel Crosby, Khirsten Scott, La'Que Newby, Hannah Evans, and Sophie Daneshmand