Volume 6, Issue 1 (2019) Summer 2019 Keep Summit Two
Kentucky Teacher Education Journal (KTEJ)
Kentucky Research to Practice
Summer Special Edition
Summer 2019 KEEP Summit Two
September 2019
Kentucky Teacher Education Journal- KEEP Summit Two
The KEEP Summit was an exciting research collaboration between professors and students. This edition of the journal comprises articles written about Teacher Candidate's Perspectives on Trauma Informed Teaching as related to classroom management and evidence-based practices. Teacher collaboration with community partners enhancing clinical practices discusses pedagogy to improve teacher education programs. Choice as an antecedent intervention for children with emotional and behavioral disabilities and disorders is discussed in another thoughtful article. How to use music therapy in the educational system to provide benefits for students with social, emotional, and behavioral needs as a therapy is yet another article provided within this issue of the journal. And finally, looking into the importance of teacher behaviors to increase student success in the classroom- Are the teachers prepared to meet the needs of the emotional and behavioral disordered students?
Classroom dynamics and diversity continues to change as the social structures of the world around us changes. Our interventions and strategies will need to learn to adapt and change in order to help our students learn to be successful in our ever-changing and highly evolving world around us.
The researchers and authors found within this issue of KTEJ have taken tried and true interventions, synthesized the information and created new applications and found useful new ways to apply these strategies for our millennial and generation Z students in our diverse classrooms. No longer are the one size fits all accommodations and adaptations going to work. Truly individualized instruction must be considered.
Thank you for taking the time to read about the interventions, research, and strategies presented within this Volume and Issue of KTEJ.
Jamie Mahoney
Research Articles
Teacher Candidates’ Emerging Perspectives on Trauma Informed Teaching
Mary S. Thomas, Penny B. Howell, Shantel Crosby, Elmedina Brkic, Kaleb Clemons, Lydia McKinley, and Sedekia Peter
Choice as an Antecedent Intervention Provided to Children with Emotional Disturbances
Alexandra J. Taylor and Amy Lein
Collaboration With Community Partners to Enhance Clinical Practice
Susan Keesey, christina noel, Nancy Hulan, and Pete Hoechner
Music Therapy’s Role in the Education System
Madison Riley, Tori L. Colson, and Moriah Smothers
Jamie Mahoney, Ed.D., Murray State University, Murray KY
Associate Editor
Debbie Schumacher ,Ed. D. (retired), Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, KY
Associate Editor
Laura Clarke Ph..D., Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY
KYTED Officers
Jamie Mahoney, Ed.D., Assistant Professor,
Murray State University,
Special Education
Email: jmahoney3@murraystate.edu
Past President
Debbie Schumacher, Ed.D. (retired), Associate Professor
Campbellsville University
Special Education
Email: debbieschumacher.50@gmail.com
Vice President/ President Elect
Laura Clarke, Ph..D., Associate Professor
Eastern Kentucky University
Special Education
Email: laura.clarke@eku.edu
Todd Whitney, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Special Education
Email: jeremy.whitney@louisville.edu
Steve Crites, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Northern Kentucky University
Teacher Education & School Leadership
Email: critess1@nku.edu
KTEJ Reviewers
KTEJ Reviewers
Sarah Merimee Murray State University
Todd Whitney University of Louisville
Laura Clarke, Eastern Kentucky University
Jamie Mahoney, Murray State University
Debbie Schumacher, Campbellsville University
Renee CampoyMurray State UniversityTori L. ColsonUniversity of Southern Illinois
Delar SinghMorehead State University
Mary ThomasUniversity of Louisville
Justin Cooper University of Louisville