Murray State University


Providing effective transition services and plans for students with disabilities can seem like a daunting task to special education teachers and supporting agencies. Planning effective collaboration and coordination between stakeholders increases the likelihood that students with disabilities will graduate high school and participate in desired postsecondary activities, be it paid employment or postsecondary education (NTACT, 2019). Many special education teachers and supporting agencies are unsure where to start when planning and coordinating transition services; in response we created a document that can be used as a guidance and planning tool to design effective, person-centered, collaborative transition services. The planning tool we developed was targeted toward application within the Greater Louisville Education Cooperative and Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, KY. However, the format is readily adaptable to district specific information by utilizing the template and providing links for district/community specific resources. Utilizing evidence-based practices and the transition needs of students will allow teams to design individualized plans that begin development during an individual’s 8th grade year and follow them through graduation.



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