Searching for a Voice: An Introduction to Transgender Voice and Communication Therapy


Communication Disorders


Eastern Kentucky University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Department of Educational Leadership, Counselor Education, and Communication Disorders


Over the last 50 years, the cultural shift in the ideologies that shape the minds of individuals have primarily focused on social progressivism. Specifically regarding the United States, prominent leaders such as Harvey Milk pushed for social freedoms for members of the LGBTQ+ community. While Milk and his following fought for freedom and recognition, other leaders and supporters of the LGBTQ+ movement across the world were also fighting with fire in their hearts in their search for social justice. Barriers broke and glass ceilings shattered during these movements, but there is more to be done, today. As recognition of the individuals that encompass the LGBTQ+ community increases, it is of upmost importance that the health care industry is taking time to understand the community and adopt language and practices that confirm their humanity and existence. Putting this into action, the world of communication disorders is colliding and intertwining with the transgender community. Although the field is starting to provide clinical services to individuals that are transgender, not all speech-language pathologists (SLP) have the training, specifically in the area of transgender voice and communication therapy (TVCT), to be able to assist clients that identify as transgender. The purpose of this resource is to provide knowledge to SLPs, the transgender community, and the general public regarding the variety of methods and techniques used to ensure ethical and successful execution of TVCT.

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Searching for a Voice: An Introduction to Transgender Voice and Communication Therapy

Over the last 50 years, the cultural shift in the ideologies that shape the minds of individuals have primarily focused on social progressivism. Specifically regarding the United States, prominent leaders such as Harvey Milk pushed for social freedoms for members of the LGBTQ+ community. While Milk and his following fought for freedom and recognition, other leaders and supporters of the LGBTQ+ movement across the world were also fighting with fire in their hearts in their search for social justice. Barriers broke and glass ceilings shattered during these movements, but there is more to be done, today. As recognition of the individuals that encompass the LGBTQ+ community increases, it is of upmost importance that the health care industry is taking time to understand the community and adopt language and practices that confirm their humanity and existence. Putting this into action, the world of communication disorders is colliding and intertwining with the transgender community. Although the field is starting to provide clinical services to individuals that are transgender, not all speech-language pathologists (SLP) have the training, specifically in the area of transgender voice and communication therapy (TVCT), to be able to assist clients that identify as transgender. The purpose of this resource is to provide knowledge to SLPs, the transgender community, and the general public regarding the variety of methods and techniques used to ensure ethical and successful execution of TVCT.