Eastern Kentucky University | 2020 - Posters-at-the-Capitol

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Birds of a Feather: How Staying Connected Facilitates Resilience in Grieving Military Families

Logan S. Burris, Eastern Kentucky University
Jerry Palmer PhD, Eastern Kentucky University
Melinda Moore PhD, Eastern Kentucky University

Cellular Targeting of Metastatic Ovarian Cancer

Emily McCord, Eastern Kentucky University
Hunter Hazelwood, Eastern Kentucky University

Correlation of the uterine microbiome of mares with the acquisition of sepsis in their foals

Athena Barrera

Developing Web-based Predictive Application for Crowdfunding Campaigns

Ethen B. Holzapfel, Eastern Kentucky University
David M. Cannon, Eastern Kentucky University
Alex J. Dixon, Eastern Kentucky University
Eun Hee Ko, Northwestern University
Dae Wook Kim, Eastern Kentucky University

Effect of Breed on Dairy Calf Vigor from Birth to Preweaning

Michelle Meza
Andrea K. Sexten, Eastern Kentucky University
Chad M. Powers, Eastern Kentucky University

Effects of Deodorase 2X supplementation on blood markers of antioxidant status

Callie Boggs, Eastern Kentucky University
Stephen C. Richter, Eastern Kentucky University

International Education: Challenging Perceptions and Cognition through Experiential Learning

Olivia Jennings
Katherine Rua, Universidad del Norte - Colombia
Jennifer White, Eastern Kentucky University
Katie Leigh Samuel, Eastern Kentucky University

Making and characterizing polymers for organic electronics

Jessica Bone

Relentless: The Social Identity of Chronic Illness and Disability

Mary Boujaoude, Eastern Kentucky University
Stephanie Adams Saulnier, Eastern Kentucky University

Searching for a Voice: An Introduction to Transgender Voice and Communication Therapy

Nicholas Brock, Eastern Kentucky University
Sue Mahanna-Boden Ph.D., CCC/SLP, Eastern Kentucky University

The Art of Collecting: The Vascular Flora of the Central Kentucky Wildlife Management Area

Nicholas A. Koenig, Eastern Kentucky University
Melanie A. Link-Perez, Eastern Kentucky University

The Effects of Culture and Punishment Philosophies on Recidivism: Comparing Prison Systems in the United States and Scandinavia

Alexis Taylor Riep, Eastern Kentucky University
Chuck Fields, Eastern Kentucky University

The Integration of the Internet and Communication Theory in Nonprofit Fundraising: A Case Study

Jenna Hicks, Eastern Kentucky University
Stephanie McSpirit, Eastern Kentucky University

The Link between Self-Definition and Career Interests.

Maya Nicole Gulliford, Eastern Kentucky University

The Role of Locus of Control in Predicting Distress in Different Economic Sectors

Nailah Amani Johnson, Eastern Kentucky University

Understanding Student Food Insecurity at Eastern Kentucky University: Beyond the Numbers

Amanda Green, Eastern Kentucky University
Breanna Bowling, Eastern Kentucky University
Alisha Rhymer, Eastern Kentucky University