Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: BLAST redundancy cleaner: a bioinformatics tool that allows for easy viewing of complex genomic repeat BLAST results

BLAST redundancy cleaner: a bioinformatics tool that allows for easy viewing of complex genomic repeat BLAST results

Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology; Biology


Computer Science

2nd Grade Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Student Major

Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology

2nd Student Minor

Computer Science

3rd Grade Level at Time of Presentation


3rd Student Major


4th Grade Level at Time of Presentation


4th Student Major



University of Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Dept. of Computer Science


Most presently characterized genomic repeat elements contain internal repeat sequences, causing bioinformatics program like BLAST to return redundant hits. To combat this problem, we have developed BLASTrec: a command-line tool implemented in Python v3+ that can flexibly clean BLAST reports to remove redundancy. Results are returned in in file formats that allow for easy and compact viewing in visualizers such as IGV. BLASTrec tool supports an assortment of options that control the cleanliness of the final output, final output filetypes, and provide the ability to run BLASTn-short in addition to BLASTn. Furthermore, BLASTrec can be used in a wide variety of genomic studies, including characterizing the movement of known genomic repeat elements and identifying potential novel repeat elements through genome self-comparison. This works is a part of the NSF project to investigate telomere roles in fungal genome evolution: Dr. Mark Farman (PI).

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BLAST redundancy cleaner: a bioinformatics tool that allows for easy viewing of complex genomic repeat BLAST results

Most presently characterized genomic repeat elements contain internal repeat sequences, causing bioinformatics program like BLAST to return redundant hits. To combat this problem, we have developed BLASTrec: a command-line tool implemented in Python v3+ that can flexibly clean BLAST reports to remove redundancy. Results are returned in in file formats that allow for easy and compact viewing in visualizers such as IGV. BLASTrec tool supports an assortment of options that control the cleanliness of the final output, final output filetypes, and provide the ability to run BLASTn-short in addition to BLASTn. Furthermore, BLASTrec can be used in a wide variety of genomic studies, including characterizing the movement of known genomic repeat elements and identifying potential novel repeat elements through genome self-comparison. This works is a part of the NSF project to investigate telomere roles in fungal genome evolution: Dr. Mark Farman (PI).