Northern Kentucky University | 2024 - Posters-at-the-Capitol

Northern Kentucky University

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A Survey on Movie Recommendation: from a machine learning perspective

Gaurab Baral

Analyzing Human Dynamics through the Analysis of an Extensive Auction Dataset

Aaditya Khanal, Northern Kentucky University

Building an Adaptive Testing and Remediation System for An Elementary Programming Course (INF 120)

Tri Do, Northern Kentucky University
Seth Adjei, Northern Kentucky University

CRACK-ERS (Crack Riddles Applying Cybersecurity Knowledge - Escape Room Scenario)

Benjamin Acuff

Enhancing the Safety of Medication Administration: The Synergistic Role of Closed Loop Electronic Medication Management and IV Medication Administration

Kelly Goetz, Northern Kentucky University
Angela Schoenung, Northern Kentucky University
Lauren Daugherty, Northern Kentucky University
Kaitlyn Hornsby, Northern Kentucky University

Eye-tracking Data Analysis with Consumer-Grade Webcam

Elaina Hall, Northern Kentucky University
Tyler Egloff, Northern Kentucky University
Nicholas Caporusso PhD, Northern Kentucky University

Integrating Academic Productivity and Engagement: A Comprehensive Web Platform for Scholarly Pursuits

Lulseged Admasu
Ba Ta

Minimized Bank Transaction Analysis through Machine Learning

Abhishek Shrestha
Junxiu Zhou, Northern Kentucky University
Yangyang Tao, Northern Kentucky University

Motivations Driving Video Research Podcasts: Impact on Value and Creation of Research Video Presentations

My Doan, Northern Kentucky University
Anh Tran, Northern Kentucky University
Na Le, Northern Kentucky University

Patient and Therapist Adoption Criteria for Mental Health Applications

Olivia Kennedy, Northern Kentucky University
Nicholas Caporusso, Northern Kentucky University

Securing Edge Computing: A Hierarchical IoT Service Framework

Sajan Poudel
Nishar Miya, Northern Kentucky University
Rasib Khan, Northern Kentucky University