Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Therapeutic Touch and Massage Therapy for Hospice Patients

Therapeutic Touch and Massage Therapy for Hospice Patients

Presenter Information

Mary HeebFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Care of the dying patient can be complicated. These patients can be feeling any number of emotions around their impending death or possibly experiencing incredible pain. Hospice care provides an environment for patients to be treated for the symptoms of the disease process that is terminal. Anxiety is a very common response to an impending death, and the nurse has a role in decreasing anxiety and improving their quality of life for their last days. There are many complimentary therapies available to these patients, including massage and therapeutic touch that have been researched to improve some problems with the dying. Therapeutic touch is used to reduce anxiety, pain, and improve quality of life in patients with many different types of medical needs.

Fall Scholars Week 2018 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare

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Therapeutic Touch and Massage Therapy for Hospice Patients

Care of the dying patient can be complicated. These patients can be feeling any number of emotions around their impending death or possibly experiencing incredible pain. Hospice care provides an environment for patients to be treated for the symptoms of the disease process that is terminal. Anxiety is a very common response to an impending death, and the nurse has a role in decreasing anxiety and improving their quality of life for their last days. There are many complimentary therapies available to these patients, including massage and therapeutic touch that have been researched to improve some problems with the dying. Therapeutic touch is used to reduce anxiety, pain, and improve quality of life in patients with many different types of medical needs.