Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Safety First! How Safe Do Students Feel At MSU?

Safety First! How Safe Do Students Feel At MSU?

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Dr. Stefan Linnhoff, PhD.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Colleges and universities continually and carefully monitor how safe students feel on their campuses. In their exploratory study the authors inquire about MSU student perceptions of campus safety. The presenters created a survey as part of their fall 2019 term project in MKT 565 Research. The structure and rationale will be explicated in light of best practices in survey creation.

Fall Scholars Week 2019 Event

Best Practices of Survey Research (MKT565)

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Safety First! How Safe Do Students Feel At MSU?

Colleges and universities continually and carefully monitor how safe students feel on their campuses. In their exploratory study the authors inquire about MSU student perceptions of campus safety. The presenters created a survey as part of their fall 2019 term project in MKT 565 Research. The structure and rationale will be explicated in light of best practices in survey creation.