Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Implementing Mandatory Psychiatric Training for Medical-Surgical Nurses

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Hannah BerryFollow

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Dr. Jessica Naber

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Poster Presentation


Hospitals worldwide experience poor outcomes for patients with mental illnesses. Psychiatric patients have a lesser likelihood of surviving a particular illness than does a person with that same illness who does not have a psychiatric comorbidity. This is a bleak reality that nurses have the unique opportunity to influence for the better. Destigmatizing mental illness is perhaps the largest component of stepping toward this goal. Our nurses being more educated on the nature of mental illnesses—their signs, symptoms, and common treatments—will improve care outcomes for patients who suffer from them. Not only should we educate nurses on mental illness for the purpose of destigmatization, but also for the purpose of practical skills related to caring for this specialized patient group. Helping nurses to be better equipped to serve their patients who suffer from mental illness will significantly improve the quality of care for these patients.

Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)



Implementing Mandatory Psychiatric Training for Medical-Surgical Nurses

Hospitals worldwide experience poor outcomes for patients with mental illnesses. Psychiatric patients have a lesser likelihood of surviving a particular illness than does a person with that same illness who does not have a psychiatric comorbidity. This is a bleak reality that nurses have the unique opportunity to influence for the better. Destigmatizing mental illness is perhaps the largest component of stepping toward this goal. Our nurses being more educated on the nature of mental illnesses—their signs, symptoms, and common treatments—will improve care outcomes for patients who suffer from them. Not only should we educate nurses on mental illness for the purpose of destigmatization, but also for the purpose of practical skills related to caring for this specialized patient group. Helping nurses to be better equipped to serve their patients who suffer from mental illness will significantly improve the quality of care for these patients.