Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Implementing Music as a Distraction to Reduce Pain and Anxiety in Pediatrics

Presenter Information

Marcanah FryeFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




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Jessica Naber, RN, PhD

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Music therapy is a safe and inexpensive intervention that can be used to reduce pain and anxiety in pediatric patients. There are several research articles that have proven that music therapy can positively affect patients. Various factors, like pain and anxiety scores, heart and respiratory rates, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation levels were observed throughout the study to help base the decision on whether or not music therapy was effective at reducing pain and anxiety. This therapy can be based upon the nursing theory of comfort by Katharine Kolcaba. Her goal for this theory of comfort was to put comfort at the forefront of healthcare, and implementing something like music therapy for pediatrics can promote just that. The new policy that could be implemented at a pediatric clinic would be for all nurses to offer music to any pediatric patient that may undergo a painful procedure to reduce pain and anxiety.

Keywords: music, therapy, pain, anxiety, comfort, pediatrics, reduce

Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)



Implementing Music as a Distraction to Reduce Pain and Anxiety in Pediatrics

Music therapy is a safe and inexpensive intervention that can be used to reduce pain and anxiety in pediatric patients. There are several research articles that have proven that music therapy can positively affect patients. Various factors, like pain and anxiety scores, heart and respiratory rates, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation levels were observed throughout the study to help base the decision on whether or not music therapy was effective at reducing pain and anxiety. This therapy can be based upon the nursing theory of comfort by Katharine Kolcaba. Her goal for this theory of comfort was to put comfort at the forefront of healthcare, and implementing something like music therapy for pediatrics can promote just that. The new policy that could be implemented at a pediatric clinic would be for all nurses to offer music to any pediatric patient that may undergo a painful procedure to reduce pain and anxiety.

Keywords: music, therapy, pain, anxiety, comfort, pediatrics, reduce