Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
Gene Cluster Identification using Developed Python Program
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Biomedical Sciences
Mathematical Biology
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Dr. Elizabeth Donovan
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
Maximum likelihood of phylogenetics can help determine the most probable relationship tree between many species of plants or animals. Which is done by calculating logarithmic probabilities using Bayesian statistics. Using these log probabilities can help determine gene clusters, which can agree or disagree on the relationship between species. Understanding and identifying gene clusters gives insight into the most probable relationship tree, as there could be many possible phylogenetic trees that show the relationship between animals or plants. The paper will explain the biological background of phylogenetics, maximum likelihoods, and gene clusters. This paper will also delve into creating and testing the python software and touch on Bayesian Statistics. Research was conducted by implementing Mr. Bayes (Bayesian Statistical software) into the author’s own python program. Test data will be analyzed to critique the software and receive results. This research is important because identifying gene clusters that agree/disagree on likelihoods of phylogenetic relationships can lead to new insights on how organisms are related. The methodology can bring quicker and easier ways of research by ushering in the era of computer aided work.
Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event
Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
Gene Cluster Identification using Developed Python Program
Maximum likelihood of phylogenetics can help determine the most probable relationship tree between many species of plants or animals. Which is done by calculating logarithmic probabilities using Bayesian statistics. Using these log probabilities can help determine gene clusters, which can agree or disagree on the relationship between species. Understanding and identifying gene clusters gives insight into the most probable relationship tree, as there could be many possible phylogenetic trees that show the relationship between animals or plants. The paper will explain the biological background of phylogenetics, maximum likelihoods, and gene clusters. This paper will also delve into creating and testing the python software and touch on Bayesian Statistics. Research was conducted by implementing Mr. Bayes (Bayesian Statistical software) into the author’s own python program. Test data will be analyzed to critique the software and receive results. This research is important because identifying gene clusters that agree/disagree on likelihoods of phylogenetic relationships can lead to new insights on how organisms are related. The methodology can bring quicker and easier ways of research by ushering in the era of computer aided work.