CHFA | Psychology Department Showcase: Completed Projects
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
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Amanda Joyce
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
Homonegativity is predicted by sexism and attitudes towards women
This study observed the relation between homonegativity, sexism, and attitudes towards women. The LGBTQ+ community has faced long-standing struggles which is why continued research to grow understanding of the root causes of the disparities that impact the LGBTQ+ community are so important. The current study looked to expand on previously literature that had previously explored homonegativity’s association with overall sexism, by examining hostile sexism, benevolent sexism, and attitudes towards women, specifically (Bernuy & Noe, 2017; Etengoff & Lefevor, 2021; Polimeni et al., 2000). We hypothesized homonegativity would be positively correlated with hostile and benevolent sexism as well as more negative views toward women. Participants (n = 98; 82 Caucasian; gender = 65 female, 27 male, 2 nonbinary, 3 transgender) were gathered from a psychology subject research pool at a Southeastern university. The participants were evaluated using the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (α = .891 ;Glick & Fiske, 1996), Attitudes Towards Women Scale (α = .930; Spence et al., 1973), and the Modern Old Fashioned Homonegativity Scale (α = .932; Morrison et al., 1999). Homonegativity correlated with attitudes toward women (r = -.652) as well as both benevolent (r = .592) and hostile (r = .716) sexism. The findings complement previous research and provide more insight into variables that covary with homonegativity, which means they may provide more direction for future research about the LGBTQ+ community.
Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event
Psychology: Completed Projects
Included in
Homonegativity is predicted by sexism and attitudes towards women
Homonegativity is predicted by sexism and attitudes towards women
This study observed the relation between homonegativity, sexism, and attitudes towards women. The LGBTQ+ community has faced long-standing struggles which is why continued research to grow understanding of the root causes of the disparities that impact the LGBTQ+ community are so important. The current study looked to expand on previously literature that had previously explored homonegativity’s association with overall sexism, by examining hostile sexism, benevolent sexism, and attitudes towards women, specifically (Bernuy & Noe, 2017; Etengoff & Lefevor, 2021; Polimeni et al., 2000). We hypothesized homonegativity would be positively correlated with hostile and benevolent sexism as well as more negative views toward women. Participants (n = 98; 82 Caucasian; gender = 65 female, 27 male, 2 nonbinary, 3 transgender) were gathered from a psychology subject research pool at a Southeastern university. The participants were evaluated using the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (α = .891 ;Glick & Fiske, 1996), Attitudes Towards Women Scale (α = .930; Spence et al., 1973), and the Modern Old Fashioned Homonegativity Scale (α = .932; Morrison et al., 1999). Homonegativity correlated with attitudes toward women (r = -.652) as well as both benevolent (r = .592) and hostile (r = .716) sexism. The findings complement previous research and provide more insight into variables that covary with homonegativity, which means they may provide more direction for future research about the LGBTQ+ community.